Dr Kirsten Robertson
Senior Lecturer
Otago University
New Zealand
Dr Kirsten Robertson, Senior Lecturer BA, MSc, PhD (Otago)
Research Interest
Attitudes towards binge drinking Knowledge and use of standard drink labels Violence in advertising Advertising to children Illegal downloading / music piracy Real Estate advertising Language and advertising Social marketing (in particular, social norms campaigns) Behaviour, attitudes, and perceptions Conflict within a variety of contexts and relationships (interpersonal relationships, flats, mothers and daughters)
Knobloch, U., Robertson, K., & Aitken, R. (2017). Experience, emotion, and eudaimonia: A consideration of tourist experiences and well-being. Journal of Travel Research, 56(5), 651-662. doi: 10.1177/0047287516650937
Robertson, K., Thyne, M., & Hibbert, S. (2017). Drinkers' perceived alcohol-related expectancies: Informing alcohol warning messages. Drugs: Education, Prevention, & Policy, 24(2), 197-205. doi: 10.1080/09687637.2016.1188880