Dr Marcelle Dawson
Senior Lecturer
Otago University
New Zealand
Dr Marcelle Dawson Departmental Postgraduate Committee Chair International Advisor Senior Lecturer in Sociology
Research Interest
Social movements and popular protest Alternative futures Student activism Social identities Mass mobilisation in South and Southern Africa
Dawson, M. C. & Sinwell, L. 2015. ‘Ethical and Political Challenges of Participatory Action Research in the Academy: Reflections on Social Movements and Knowledge Production in South Africa.’ In K. Gillan and J. Pickerill (Eds.), Research Ethics and Social Movements: Scholarship, Activism and Knowledge Production. London: Routledge. (Previously published in Social Movement Studies).
Dawson, M. C. 2015. ‘Social Contestation, Citizenship and Modernity in Democratic South Africa.’ In Bringel, B. & J. M. Domingues (Eds). Global Modernity and Social Contestation. London: Sage.
Dawson, M. C. 2017. 'CrossFit: Fitness Cult or Reinventive Institution?' International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52(3): 361-379. DOI: 10.1177/1012690215591793