Dr Samuel Jebaraj Benjamin
Accountancy and finance
Otago University
New Zealand
Dr Samuel Jebaraj Benjamin joined the University of Otago in June 2016. Prior to this, he was teaching at Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia and Multimedia University, Malaysia (MMU). He obtained his PhD from the Multimedia University and was concerned with dividend policy and corporate governance. He has experience in teaching Financial Reporting and Management Accounting at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Research Interest
Financial reporting Management accounting Dividend policy Corporate governance Capital markets
Benjamin, S. J., Marathamuthu, M. S., & Murugaiah, U. (2015). The use of 5-WHYs technique to eliminate OEE's speed loss in a manufacturing firm. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 21(4), 419-435. doi: 10.1108/JQME-09-2013-0062
Benjamin, S. J., Wasiuzzaman, S., Mokhtarinia, H., & Nejad, N. R. (2016). Family ownership and dividend payout in Malaysia. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 12(3), 314-334. doi: 10.1108/IJMF-08-2014-0114
Benjamin, S. J., Zain, M. M., & Wahab, E. A. A. (2016). Political connections, institutional investors and dividend payouts in Malaysia. Pacific Accounting Review, 28(2), 153-179. doi: 10.1108/PAR-06-2015-0023