Dr Sanna Ganglmair
Senior Lecturer
Otago University
New Zealand
Dr Sanna Ganglmair, Senior Lecturer Magistra (Vienna), PhD (Otago)
Research Interest
Research intrest in marketing
Wooliscroft, B., Conejo, F., Ganglmair-Wooliscroft, A., Kovalenko, A., Mirosa, M., & Sumida, K. (2017). A taxonomy of voluntary street exchanges: From beggars to concert musicians. In B. Wooliscroft & A. Ganglmair-Wooliscroft (Eds.), Proceedings of the Macromarketing Conference: Macromarketing Systems' Contributions to Society: Past, Present and Potential. (pp. 701-708). Dunedin, New Zealand: Macromarketing Society and the Marketing Department, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Ganglmair-Wooliscroft, A., & Wooliscroft, B. (2017). Ethical behaviour on holiday and at home: Combining behaviour in two contexts. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(4), 589-604. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2016.1260573