Dr Tim Molteno
Senior Lecturer
Otago University
New Zealand
I have a Ph.D (Otago) in nonlinear dynamics and topological analysis of chaotic systems This was followed by postdoctoral work at the University of Toronto in nonlinear systems, including granular flow and spatio-temporal chaos. I then worked in Boston for Sapient Inc, a high-tech consulting firm, on large data systems for the oil and gas industry, and then for a startup on real-time analysis of video and images
Research Interest
The main focus of my research is the development of new techniques for measurement, and the implementation of these techniques in novel devices that not only make new kinds of measurement, but also quantify the uncertainty in those measurements. Areas of expertise:
Panckhurst, B., Brown, P., Payne, K., & Molteno, T. C. A. (2015). Solar-powered sensor for continuous monitoring of livestock position. Proceedings of the Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/sas.2015.7133590
Watts, J. O., Moore, A., Palmer, D., Molteno, T. C. A., Recio, M. R., & Seddon, P. J. (2017). Trial reintroduction of buff weka to an unfenced mainland site in central South Island, New Zealand. Austral Ecology, 42(2), 198-209. doi: 10.1111/aec.12422