Evan J. Begg
Otago University
New Zealand
BSc MB ChB(Auck) MD(Otago) FRACP Former Head of Department, Clinical Pharmacology Research Group Former Clinical Director, Clinical Pharmacology Research Group
Research Interest
His research interests include drugs in pregnancy and lactation, antibiotic dosing regimens, pharmacogenetics and dosing in the elderly.
Gardiner, S. J., Drennan, P. G., Begg, R., Zhang, M., Green, J. K., Isenman, H. L., Everts, R. J., Chambers, S. T., & Begg, E. J. (2016). Taking flucloxacillin with food does not compromise effective plasma concentrations in healthy volunteers. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases New Zealand Branch Annual Scientific Meeting. Retrieved from https://www.asid.net.au/
Everts, R., Chambers, S., Begg, E., Elvy, J., Gardiner, S., Mayer, H., & Turnidge, J. (2016). Pilot study of flucloxacillin and probenecid twice daily versus flucloxacillin four times daily for acute bacterial skin infections. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases New Zealand Branch Annual Scientific Meeting. Retrieved from https://www.asid.net.au/