Keith C. Gordon
Otago University
New Zealand
Professor Keith C. Gordon Department of chemistry Otago University
Research Interest
Spectroscopy of inorganic and biological systems
Elliott AB, Horvath R, Gordon KC. Vibrational spectroscopy as a probe of molecule-based devices. Chemical Society Reviews. 2012;41(5):1929-46.
Jeffcoate WJ, Price PE, Phillips CJ, Game FL, Mudge EJ, Davies S, Amery CM, Edmonds ME, Gibby OM, Johnson AB, Jones GR. Randomised controlled trial of the use of three dressing preparations in the management of chronic ulceration of the foot in diabetes. Health technology assessment. 2009;13(54):1-24.
Horvath R, Gordon KC. Excited state vibrational spectroscopy of metal complexes of dipyrido [3, 2-a: 2′, 3′-c] phenazine. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 2011 Aug 1;374(1):10-8.