Marco Brenna
Otago University
New Zealand
BSc (University of Western Australia), PhD (Massey) Igneous petrology and geochemistry Volcanology Magma ascent dynamics
Research Interest
My research spans the interface of magmatic and volcanic processes. I investigate the chemical and petrologic characteristics of igneous rocks to unravel their history. I focus mainly on intraplate alkalic systems such as the Auckland Volcanic Field or the Dunedin Volcano, but have also studied recent eruptions at calc-alkalic arc volcanoes, at Mount Tongariro and Hunga Ha’apai (Tonga). Outlined here are some of my ongoing research projects:
Brenna, M., Németh, K., Cronin, S. J., Sohn, Y. K., Smith, I. E. M., & Wijbrans, J. (2015). Co-located monogenetic eruptions ~200 kyr apart driven by tapping vertically separated mantle source regions, Chagwido, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. Bulletin of Volcanology, 77, 43. doi: 10.1007/s00445-015-0928-9
Scott, J. M., Brenna, M., Crase, J. A., Waight, T. E., van der Meer, Q., Cooper, A. F., Palin, J. M., … Münker, C. (2016). Peridotitic lithosphere metasomatized by volatile-bearing melts, and its association with intraplate alkaline HIMU-like magmatism. Journal of Petrology, 57(10), 2053-2078. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egw069
Dalton, H. B., Scott, J. M., Liu, J., Waight, T. E., Pearson, D. G., Brenna, M., … Palin, J. M. (2017). Diffusion-zoned pyroxenes in an isotopically heterogeneous mantle lithosphere beneath the Dunedin Volcanic Group, New Zealand, and their implications for intraplate alkaline magma sources. Lithosphere. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1130/L631.1
Stirling, M., Bebbington, M., Brenna, M., Cronin, S., Christophersen, A., Deligne, N., … Wilson, T. (2017). Conceptual development of a national volcanic hazard model for New Zealand. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5, 51. doi: 10.3389/feart.2017.00051