Maree Thyne
Associate Professor
Otago University
New Zealand
Associate Professor Maree Thyne BA, BTour, DipGrad, PhD (Otago)
Research Interest
Research intrest in in marketing and tourism .
Hede, A.-M., & Thyne, M. (2017). Ambushing Anzac: Marketers harvesting the Anzac brand. In B. Wooliscroft & A. Ganglmair-Wooliscroft (Eds.), Proceedings of the Macromarketing Conference: Macromarketing Systems' Contributions to Society: Past, Present and Potential. (pp. 416-420). Dunedin, New Zealand: Macromarketing Society and the Marketing Department, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Robertson, K., Thyne, M., & Hibbert, S. (2017). Drinkers' perceived alcohol-related expectancies: Informing alcohol warning messages. Drugs: Education, Prevention, & Policy, 24(2), 197-205. doi: 10.1080/09687637.2016.1188880