Maryam Purvis
Senior Lecturer
Information Science
Otago University
New Zealand
Ph.D. in Information Science from University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand (August 1998) M.A. in Mathematics from University of Texas, Austin, TX, U.S.A (May 1992) Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching from University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand (August 2003)
Research Interest
research interests are in the areas of dynamic modelling of distributed processes, distributed and dynamic workflow systems, coordination of multi-agent systems as well as the structure of social network interactions
Farhangian, M., Purvis, M., Purvis, M., & Savarimuthu, B. T. R. (2015). Agent-based modeling of resource allocation in software projects based on personality and skill. In F. Koch, C. Guttmann & D. Busquets (Eds.), Advances in social computing and multiagent systems: Communications in computer and information science (Vol. 541). (pp. 130-146). Cham, The Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24804-2_9
Farhangian, M., Purvis, M., Purvis, M., & Savarimuthu, B. T. R. (2015). The effects of temperament and team formation mechanism on collaborative learning of knowledge and skill in short-term projects. In F. Koch, C. Guttmann & D. Busquets (Eds.), Advances in social computing and multiagent systems: Communications in computer and information science (Vol. 541). (pp. 48-65). Cham, The Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24804-2_4
Jahanbazi, M., Frantz, C., Purvis, M., & Purvis, M. (2016). The role of knowledge keepers in an artificial primitive human society: An agent-based approach. In V. Dignum, P. Noriega, M. Sensoy & J. S. Sichman (Eds.), Coordination, organizations, institutions, and norms in agent systems XI (COIN): Lecture notes in artificial intelligence (Vol. 9628). (pp. 154-172). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-42691-4_9