
Clinical Research Experts

P Herst

postgraduate teaching
preclinical and clinical research
Otago University
New Zealand


Herst has been employed by the University of Otago since 2001 and divides her time between undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, preclinical and clinical research. She has been a committee member of the Health and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC) since 2012. Herst has been a visiting scientist at the Malaghan Institute since completion of her PhD in 2006. There, she conducts research into drug resistance of highly aggressive cancer cells in collaboration with Professor Mike Berridge. Her most recent research, in close collaboration with Dr McConnell at the University of Victoria, Wellington. She has conducted randomized controlled clinical trials in NZ hospitals that investigate management of radiation-induced side effects since 2008. To date 5 trials (3 skin trials, one cystitis trial and one oral mucositis trial) have been completed, analysed and published Herst has been employed by the University of Otago since 2001 and divides her time between undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, preclinical and clinical research. She has been a committee member of the Health and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC) since 2012. Herst has been a visiting scientist at the Malaghan Institute since completion of her PhD in 2006. There, she conducts research into drug resistance of highly aggressive cancer cells in collaboration with Professor Mike Berridge. Her most recent research, in close collaboration with Dr McConnell at the University of Victoria, Wellington. She has conducted randomized controlled clinical trials in NZ hospitals that investigate management of radiation-induced side effects since 2008. To date 5 trials (3 skin trials, one cystitis trial and one oral mucositis trial) have been completed, analysed and published

Research Interest

preclinical and clinical research

Global Experts from New Zealand

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