Russell D. Frew
Otago University
New Zealand
Professor Russell D. Frew Chemical oceanography
Research Interest
Trace metals in natural waters Stable isotope geochemistry Paleo-chemistry Geochemical provenancing
David, Gabrielle E., D. Brynn Hibbert, Russell D. Frew and Alan R. Hayman. Significant determinants of isotope composition during HI/Pred synthesis of methamphetamine. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 63, 22-39, 2010
Van Hale, Robert and Russell D. Frew. Rayleigh distillation equations applied to isotopic evolution of organic nitrogen across a continental shelf. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61, 369–378, 2010
David, Gabrielle E., Russell D. Frew, Alan R. Hayman. Isotope fractionation during precipitation of methamphetamine HCl and discrimination of seized forensic samples. Forensic Science International, 200, 123-139, 2010