Sarah Romans
Psychological Medicine
Otago University
New Zealand
Professor Sarah Romans MBChB, MD (Otago), FRANZCP
Research Interest
Women’s mental health Mood disorders Social networks Childhood and adult abuse Psychiatric epidemiology Sleep in psychiatric disorders
Li, D. X., Romans, S., De Souza, M. J., Murray, B., & Einstein, G. (2015). Actigraphic and self-reported sleep quality in women: Associations with ovarian hormones and mood. Sleep Medicine, 16(10), 1217-1224. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2015.06.009
Peiffenberger, A. S., D'Souza, A. J., Huthwaite, M., & Romans, S. E. (2016). The well-being of children of parents with a mental illness: The responsiveness of crisis mental health services in Wellington, New Zealand. Child & Family Social Work, 21(4), 600-607. doi: 10.1111/cfs.12186
Romans, S. E., Clarkson, R. F., Einstein, G., Kreindler, D., Laredo, S., Petrovic, M. J., & Stanley, J. (2016). Crying, oral contraceptive use and the menstrual cycle. Journal of Affective Disorders, 208, 272-277. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2016.08.044