Stephen Knowles
Associate Professor
Otago University
New Zealand
Stephen Knowles Associate Professor of Otago University Department of Economics
Research Interest
Stephen has two main research interests: experimental economics and the empirical modelling of economic growth and development. His recent work using experimental economics has focused on the determinants of donations to international development charities and measuring trust.
“Developing countries in need: Which characteristics appeal most to people when donating money?†(with P. Hansen, N. Kergozou and P. Thorsnes) , Journal of Development Studies 50, 1494-1509, 2014.
Fielding, D. and Knowles, S. “Can you spare some change for charity? Experimental evidence on verbal cues and loose change effects in a Dictator Gameâ€, Experimental Economics, 18: 718-730 (2015).
Knowles, S. and Servatka, M. “Transaction costs, the opportunity cost of time and procrastination in charitable givingâ€, Journal of Public Economics, 125: 54-63 (2015).