Steven Grover
Otago University
New Zealand
PhD Somiyah Bahmannia - Examining the interaction between authentic leadership and team innovation ambidexterity. (Supervisors: Steven Grover, Annie Zhang) - under examination Andrei Lux - Culture as a moderator of the relationship between followers’ perceptions of authentic leadership and their positive organisational outcomes. (Supervisors: Steven Grover, Stephen Teo) - under examination Wan Noraini Wan Mansor -The Settling-in Experience of International PhD Students’ Trailing Partners within New Zealand (Supervisors: Steven Grover, Paula O'Kane) - under examination MCom Mubshra Sattar - Ethical Leadership, Employee Well-being and Life Happiness- Does Ethical Leadership Create Happy Workers? (Supervisors: Steven Grover, Diane Ruwhiu)
Research Interest
Honesty and dishonesty in the workplace Human resource policy influences on work and family
Nguyen, D. T. N., Teo, S. T. T., Grover, S. L., & Nguyen, N. P. (2017). Psychological safety climate and workplace bullying in Vietnam’s public sector. Public Management Review. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2016.1272712
Hasel, M. C., & Grover, S. L. (2017). An integrative model of trust and leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 38(6), 849-867. doi: 10.1108/LODJ-12-2015-0293
Grover, S. L., Abid-Dupont, M.-A., Manville, C., & Hasel, M. C. (2017). Repairing broken trust between leaders and followers: How violation characteristics temper apologies. Journal of Business Ethics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10551-017-3509-3