Tony Binns
Otago University
New Zealand
Tony Binns Position:Professor Ron Lister Lister Professor of Geography Qualifications: BA(Hons) DipEd(Shef) MA PhD(Birm)
Research Interest
Tony's doctoral research in 1974 was on the relationships between rural development and diamond mining in Sierra Leone, since when he has travelled and researched extensively throughout Africa. His research is mainly concerned with resource development and poverty alleviation, with particular reference to the dynamics of indigenous farming, pastoral and fishing food production systems. His recent work has focused on community-based development initiatives in South Africa, post-war community reconstruction in Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka and urban agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and Vietnam.
Bek, D., Binns, T., Blokker, T., McEwan, C., & Hughes, A. (2017). A high road to sustainability? Wildflower harvesting, ethical trade and social upgrading in South Africa's Western Cape. Journal of Agrarian Change, 17(3), 459-479. doi: 10.1111/joac.12149
Binns, T., & Bateman, J. (2017). Rural livelihoods and food security: Long-term insights from Sierra Leone's Eastern Province. Geographical Research, 55(2), 156-165. doi: 10.1111/1745-5871.12204
Bateman, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2017). Flirting with food security: Resilience in the face of conflict, climate change and communicable disease in rural Sierra Leone. In E. T. H. Hope (Ed.), Climate change and food security: Africa and the Caribbean. (pp. 128-142). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.