Dr Jan White
health management
health and business development.
New Zealand
Jan was trained in Australia and has worked in a number of institutions and organisations across the country. She came to New Zealand in 1999 to take up the position of Chief Executive of Health Waikato and, later, the Waikato District Health Board. Her most recent appointment was as Chief Executive of ACC which she left in 2011. She continues to consult, predominantly in the health sector, in both New Zealand and Australia. During her career, Jan has been a member of a wide range of governance bodies including Trusts, cooperative societies and subsidiaries of Crown Entities.
Research Interest
Jan was trained in Australia and has worked in a number of institutions and organisations across the country. She came to New Zealand in 1999 to take up the position of Chief Executive of Health Waikato and, later, the Waikato District Health Board. Her most recent appointment was as Chief Executive of ACC which she left in 2011. She continues to consult, predominantly in the health sector, in both New Zealand and Australia. During her career, Jan has been a member of a wide range of governance bodies including Trusts, cooperative societies and subsidiaries of Crown Entities.