
Geology & Earth Science Experts

Deborah Domingue Lorin

Senior Scientist
Department of planetary Sciences
Planetary Science Institute
New Zealand


Dr. Domingue’s first role on a planetary mission was as the liason between the science team and mission operations on the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission, insuring that instrument operations met science needs. She was also a member of the NEAR science team, working on the camera and spectrometer joint instrument team. She also is a member of the MESSENGER science team, working in the Geology Discipline Group. She also served as MESSENGER’s Deputy Project Scientist until 2009, responsible for science operations within both the science team and mission operations. Dr. Domingue’s first role on a planetary mission was as the liason between the science team and mission operations on the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission, insuring that instrument operations met science needs. She was also a member of the NEAR science team, working on the camera and spectrometer joint instrument team. She also is a member of the MESSENGER science team, working in the Geology Discipline Group. She also served as MESSENGER’s Deputy Project Scientist until 2009, responsible for science operations within both the science team and mission operations.

Research Interest

Dr. Deborah Domingue is an expert in the spectrophotometric properties of planetary regoliths. She has studied such diverse objects as icy satellites, asteroids, Mercury, and the Moon and has worked on the critical analysis of photometric modeling. She has experience working mission planning and in-flight instrument calibration on NEAR and MESSENGER (where she served as Deputy Project Scientist until 2009). She is currently on the MESSENGER Science Team and has the lead role in the photometric analysis of both the MDIS and MASCS instruments. She has lead studies examining the space weathering processes on Mercury combining information from the suite of instruments onboard the MESSENGER spacecraft.

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