David Rees
Alternate Director to Michael Bessell
New Zealand
Mr Rees is Partner and Head of Asset Management, Infrastructure Europe, AMP Capital Investors. He has responsibility for the long-term performance of AMP Capital’s European infrastructure assets. He joined AMP Capital in 2012 and has more than 28 years’ experience of infrastructure businesses. Prior to joining AMP Capital, he worked for 10 years at National Grid, the international network energy company, where he held a number of senior executive roles, including Director of Finance and Regulation of Transco, the UK gas transmission and distribution business. He serves on the Boards of Thames Water, Angel Trains, Esvagt A/S and Newcastle Airport. Mr Rees was appointed to the Powerco Board as Alternate Director to Chris Wade in November 2013 and further was appointed to the Powerco Board as Alternate to Michael Bessell in April 2015.
Research Interest