Abishek Muralidhar
Cell Biology
New Zealand
Scientist, ZyGEM NZ Ltd. ZyGEM NZ Ltd. University of Canterbury Waikato, New Zealand,Membrane Transport and Cell Biology group to start my PhD research under the supervision of Dr. Ashley Garrill and Dr. Paul Broady. The overall aim of my research was to elucidate the physiological model for turgor regulation in the alga. The core techniques I used for this were the Single Cell Pressure Probe and the Microelectrode Ion Flux Estimation, apart from confocal microscopy and GC-MS. A main component of my research also involved the molecular characterization of Vaucheria strains using phylogenetic analysis of rbcL gene sequences. My thesis entitled "Turgor regulation in species of Vaucheria (Xanthophyceae, Heterokontophyta) from habitats of contrasting salinities" was completed in January 2014.
Research Interest
genetic and morphological,cell biology.