Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition Experts

Harjinder Singh

Food Science and Technology
Riddet Institute
New Zealand


Harjinder Singh is a Distinguished Professor and Director of the Massey Institute of Food Science and Technology. He is also the Co-Director of the Riddet Institute, a National Centre of Research Excellence in food science and nutrition. Harjinder Singh is a Distinguished Professor and Director of the Massey Institute of Food Science and Technology. He is also the Co-Director of the Riddet Institute, a National Centre of Research Excellence in food science and nutrition.

Research Interest

Professor Singh's research has focused on food colloids, food ingredient functionality, functional foods and food structure-nutrition interface. He has published over 300 research papers in international journals, and is co-inventor of 12 patents which have formed the basis of several commercial innovations. He has presented over 95 keynote addresses at national and international conferences.

Global Experts from New Zealand

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