
Food & Nutrition Experts

Keith Gordon

Riddet Institute
New Zealand


Keith Gordon received his BSc Hons (First Class) in 1986 and PhD in 1989 in chemistry from Queens University, Belfast, UK. His PhD research, under the direction of Professor John J McGarvey, focused on laser spectroscopy of solar energy compounds. He was awarded a Director’s Fellowship at Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA. In 1993 Keith took up a lecturing post in the Chemistry Department at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, becoming Professor in 2009 in that department. Keith was President of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry in 2006 and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. Keith’s research interests include the use of spectroscopy to identify and quantify chemical species in food materials, including honey, milk and milk powder, cheese and fish products. Keith Gordon received his BSc Hons (First Class) in 1986 and PhD in 1989 in chemistry from Queens University, Belfast, UK. His PhD research, under the direction of Professor John J McGarvey, focused on laser spectroscopy of solar energy compounds. He was awarded a Director’s Fellowship at Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA. In 1993 Keith took up a lecturing post in the Chemistry Department at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, becoming Professor in 2009 in that department. Keith was President of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry in 2006 and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. Keith’s research interests include the use of spectroscopy to identify and quantify chemical species in food materials, including honey, milk and milk powder, cheese and fish products.

Research Interest

Keith’s research interests include the use of spectroscopy to identify and quantify chemical species in food materials, including honey, milk and milk powder, cheese and fish products.

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