Roger Lentle
Digestive Biomechanics
Riddet Institute
New Zealand
Roger Lentle graduated in Biochemistry and in Medicine at University College, London and obtained his PhD at Massey University, New Zealand. He is currently Professor of Digestive Biomechanics at Massey University, New Zealand where he leads the digesta group in the Massey Institute of Food Science and Technology. He was one of the first researchers to investigate the physical characteristics of digesta using modern rheometric techniques and to examine how these characteristics and contractile activity in the gut wall influenced mixing in ex vivo segments of gut. His group has developed novel spatiotemporal methods that can quantify fine transverse and longitudinal movements in the gut wall and have used these to quantify and model the patterns of movement of the wall of the stomach, small intestine, colon andcaecum. His group has also adapted existing clinical diagnostic tests and biomarkers to quantify gut health in human subjects, developed improved protocols for clinical tests for bowel diseases and developed tests to directly quantify the effects of food structure on rates of digestion and absorption in human subjects. Roger Lentle graduated in Biochemistry and in Medicine at University College, London and obtained his PhD at Massey University, New Zealand. He is currently Professor of Digestive Biomechanics at Massey University, New Zealand where he leads the digesta group in the Massey Institute of Food Science and Technology. He was one of the first researchers to investigate the physical characteristics of digesta using modern rheometric techniques and to examine how these characteristics and contractile activity in the gut wall influenced mixing in ex vivo segments of gut. His group has developed novel spatiotemporal methods that can quantify fine transverse and longitudinal movements in the gut wall and have used these to quantify and model the patterns of movement of the wall of the stomach, small intestine, colon andcaecum. His group has also adapted existing clinical diagnostic tests and biomarkers to quantify gut health in human subjects, developed improved protocols for clinical tests for bowel diseases and developed tests to directly quantify the effects of food structure on rates of digestion and absorption in human subjects.
Research Interest
to investigate the physical characteristics of digesta using modern rheometric techniques and to examine how these characteristics and contractile activity in the gut wall influenced mixing in ex vivo segments of gut.