
Cardiology Experts

Kerstie Twiname

Senior Product Strategist
New Zealand


"I have been with Roche NZ for twelve years. Over that time I have looked after a number of medicines, including Xenical, NeoRecormon, Tamiflu and now MabThera and Actemra for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and Esbriet for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. I am responsible for the marketing and sales of these two medicines. I work as closely as I can with the rheumatologists and their teams around the country. I do this to try and help them and their rheumatoid arthritis patients as much as I can. I also want to better understand the issues and to develop the most important and relevant information for them and their patients. What makes my job worthwhile is hearing the patient case studies where one of our medicines has really made a significant difference to a patient's quality of life.

Research Interest

marketing and sales in pharma

Global Experts from New Zealand

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