Dr Andrew Logan
Southern Cross Hospitals
New Zealand
MBChB 1976 Otago University. FRACS, FRANZCO 1983. Fellowship Training in Paediatric Opthalmology. Refractive Surgery Practice established in 1995. Established Wellington Eye Centre in 2005 with facilities for daycare eye surgery. I have pioneered several refractive surgical and corneal surgical procedures in New Zealand. Current membership of professional/other bodies American Academy of Ophthalmology RANZCO Capital Vision Trust - Trustee Australasian Society of Cataract and refractive surgery American Society of Cataract and refractive surgery
Research Interest
Anterior Segment Surgery including: - Corneal Grafting - INTACS Corneal Rings - Cataract Surgery Refractive Surgery including: - Laser Refractive Surgery - Phakic Intraocular Lenses - Refractive Lens exchange - Multifocal Intraocular Lenses