Dr Anna Goodwin
Medical Oncology
Southern Cross Hospitals
New Zealand
Dr Goodwin is committed to meeting the cancer care needs of patients across the region through her holistic approach to oncology support She believes in the integration of diet and nutrition with mainstream chemotherapy and immotherapy. Anna is a regular speaker for the NZ Cancer Society Wellness programme. She has a special interest in cancer prevention, and cancer survivorship. Dr Goodwin is a beekeeper and organic gardener. She recently obtained a certificate in permaculture design and is working towards her fellowship in Australasian College and Environmental Medicine Association. Post Fellowship Training Fellowship in Medical Oncology and Haematology, University of Alabama at Birmingham 1993-1996 Fellow, American College of Physicians, 1996 American Board of Internal Medicine Certificates in Medical Oncology (1997) and Palliative Care (2009) Current membership of professional/other bodies Royal Australian College of Physicians Australasian Integrative Medical Association New Zealand Society for Oncology
Research Interest
Medical Oncology Haematology Palliative Care