Dr Han Choi
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Oral Surgeon
Southern Cross Hospitals
New Zealand
Dr Han Choi is a fully registered oral & maxillofacial surgeon. He is also the first Korean born, fully NZ trained, surgeon of this specialty. Dr Choi graduated from dentistry (BDS, with credit) at the University of Otago in 2004. He then moved to Kenepuru Hospital in Wellington for a year to work as a house surgeon. Following this, he has worked in a private dental practice in Auckland for a year. His long journey to become an oral & maxillofacial surgeon started in 2007 when he successfully gained entry to the conjoint programme at the University of Otago, which involved a medical degree (MBChB), masters degree (MDS) and residency training in Dunedin Public Hospital. He completed the programme in 2011 with top achievement gaining a distinction award in MDS (Oral and Maxillofacial surgery). Post Fellowship Training Memberships: Registered Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Dental Council of NZ (DCNZ) Registered Medical Practitioner of Medical Council of NZ (MCNZ) Member of International Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Member of Australian Society of Implant Dentistry Member of AOCMF
Research Interest
dental implant treatment including bone grafting procedures maxillary sinus augmentation (sinus lift).