Dr Peter Hill
Oral & Maxillofacial
Southern Cross Hospitals
New Zealand
Oral and maxillofacial surgery involves surgery to the mouth, face and jaws. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons in NZ have to complete undergraduate degrees in Medicine and Denistry as well as four years training in the specialty. The most common surgical procedure performed is the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth. Newer technologies like dental implants are making up an ever-increasing part of the practice base. For those holding public hospital positions, management of dental and facial trauma and facial deformity produce the bulk of the clinical workload. Current membership of professional/other bodies Member NZDA (NZ Dental Association) Secretary/Treasurer and Member ANZAOMS (Australia and NZ Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) Registered in NZ Medical & Dental Councils Fellow Royal Australisan College of Dental Surgeons Member Dental Advisory Committee
Research Interest
Hold part-time postion as visiting specialist oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Middlemore and Auckland City Hospital Special interest areas are facial traumatology and orthognathic surgery Masters thesis was on ''Bone augmentation in animal model''