Mr Andrew Currie
Southern Cross Hospitals
New Zealand
Born, raised and educated in South Africa. Basic medical qualification: MBBCh(Rand) University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Specialist qualifications: FCS(SA) Otol obtained in the Johannesburg group of hospitals. Fellowship: (as visiting lecturer in head and neck surgery) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Shatin, Hong Kong, 1991 and 1992 resulting in the award of FCS(HK.) I have been, since 1992 (and still am) a specialist consultant at Waikato Hospital and was Clinical Director of the ORL Department for a number of years until 1999. My clinic is fully equipped for complete assessment (including photodocumentation) of all ENT disorders including videoendoscopy (rigid and flexible,) and complex computerised assessment of the balance-disordered patient (including videonystagmography). Current membership of professional/other bodies Royal Australasian College of Surgeons NZ Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Australian & New Zealand Head and Neck Society International Society for Gait and Posture Research
Research Interest
General otorhinolaryngology Special interests: chronic middle-ear disease (glue ear and sequelae); hearing loss (stapedectomy); balance disorders; otoplasty; snoring; neck lumps; thyroid and salivary gland surgery Areas outside of my interest are: cosmetic nasal surgery