Mr David Vernon
General Surgery
Southern Cross Hospitals
New Zealand
I qualified from Auckland Medical School in 1988 and completed my General Surgical Fellowship in the upper North Island before undertaking research under the auspices of the late Professor Graham Hill in the Body Composition and Nutrition Unit at Auckland Hospital. I then completed post-Fellowship positions in the Colorectal Unit of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (UK), the Department of General Surgery at the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital (UK) and the Colorectal and HPB Units of Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide (Australia). I started working for Lakes District Health Board, in Rotorua, in January 2002 and currently hold the position of Clinical Head of Department of General Surgery at Lakes District Health Board. I also currently hold the position of Chair of Endoscopy Users' Group Committee, LDHB, am a member of the National Bowel Cancer Working Group and a member of the Executive Committee of the New Zealand Association of General Surgeons. In addition, I am a member of the Ministry of Health General Surgery Elective Prioritisation Committee, and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery at the University of Auckland. Current membership of professional/other bodies Member, New Zealand Association of General Surgeons Member, Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
Research Interest
Skin surgery Gall Bladder surgery including advanced laparoscopic biliary procedures Laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery Colorectal surgery Gastrointestinal endoscopy