Mr Michael Holmes
Southern Cross Hospitals
New Zealand
Michael graduated 1988 from Otago Medical School with MBChB and BSc (Otago). His undergraduate training included 18 months as a GP and 6 months in Kenya as a mission doctor. His fellowship year was split between reconstructive surgery and cancer surgery. His post fellowship featured primary interest in nerve sparing radical prostatectomy with short observerships at Mayo Clinic and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, which led to using high powered loupe magnification for radical prostatectomies. Michael was awarded the Keith Kirkland prize in 1996 for experimental work in TURP. He was also awarded the BAUS prize in 2003 for work in local anaesthetic in prostate biopsy, and again in 2014 for work in reducing infections (sepsis) after prostate biopsies. Current interests are in the use of MRI to facilitate prostate biopsy with a focus on MRI/US fusion. Professional practice includes work with colleagues in private practice and a Urology Consultant appointment at Waikato Public Hospital. Current membership of professional/other bodies ANZUS RACS
Research Interest
Prostate Cancer - interest in nerve sparing radical prostatectomy MRI/US fused prostate biopsy Laparoscopic Nephrectomy Vasectomy Reversal