Mr Nand Kejriwal
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Southern Cross Hospitals
New Zealand
After my cardiothoracic training in India (MCh), I worked in Europe and Australasia in the cardiothoracic units in Adelaide, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne and Liverpool. UK. In addition to my position as a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon in Waikato Hospital, my other responsibilities and roles include - - Senior Lecturer in Surgery, University of Auckland - Supervisor, Advanced training in cardiothoracic surgery, RACS - Pre-Vocational Education Supervisor, Medical Council of New Zealand - Instructor, Australian and New Zealand Surgical Skills Education & Training (ASSET) course - Journal reviewer, Heart Lung & Circulation - Instructor animal lab & wetlab for trainees - Visiting lecturer, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Hangzhow, China I have keen interest in the academic aspects of my specialty. I have conducted animal research, and have published over 25 papers in various journals. I have been actively involved in establishing a new cardiac surgery unit at Southern Cross Hospital, Hamilton. Post Fellowship Training I visited St Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver for training in Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI), and performed the first trans-apical TAVI procedure in New Zealand in 2008. I have also completed training in mitral valve repair in Germany, Vienna, Thailand, Bali and Australia, and I trained in off-pump beating heart surgery at University of Leuven, Belgium and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth. I have taken part in the Supervisors and Trainers for Surgical Education and Training (SAT SET) course (Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Hong Kong, 2008). Current membership of professional/other bodies Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) Australia & New Zealand Society of Cardiac & Thoracic Surgeons (ANZSCTS) International College of Angiology Indian Association of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons (IACTS) Australasian Lung Cancer Trial Group (ALTG) Waikato Post-graduate Medicine Inc The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network (CTSnet) Heart Surgery Forum (HSF)
Research Interest
Mitral Valve repair Surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation Arterial conduits for coronary bypass surgery Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Hybrid procedures for extensive aortic aneurysms Blood conservation in cardiac surgery