Mr Steve Mcchesney
Orthopaedic Surgery
Southern Cross Hospitals
New Zealand
Steve was born in Pukekohe and grew up in Papakura. He first moved to the Waikato in 1997 to complete his University of Auckland undergraduate medical training as a Trainee Intern at Waikato Hospital. He began his working life as a House Surgeon at Waikato Hospital in 1998 and after doing the bulk of his training at Waikato with other years in Auckland, Whangarei, and Christchurch he completed his general orthopaedic training through the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association training scheme in 2007. Steve returned to a full time position at Waikato DHB in mid 2010 after completing subspecialty fellowship training in sports and knee surgery in Auckland (Adidas Sports Medicine Clinic) and Brisbane (Brisbane Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Clinic), limb reconstruction (including deformity correction) surgery in Liverpool (UK), and orthopaedic trauma surgery in Calgary (Canada). While Steve’s main areas of interest are knee surgery (including arthroscopy, ligament reconstruction, osteotomy and joint replacement surgery), hip joint replacement surgery, deformity correction and trauma, he also performs a number of procedures for lower limb sports injuries as well as a range of general orthopaedic procedures. Current membership of professional/other bodies Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Member of New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Member of New Zealand Hip Society Member of Sports Medicine New Zealand
Research Interest
Hip and Knee Joint Replacement Surgery Knee Surgery Lower Limb Sports Injuries Deformity Correction Orthopaedic Trauma