
Ophthalmology Experts

Dr James Borthwick

Southern eye specialist
New Zealand


Born and raised in Christchurch, Dr Jim Borthwick has been delivering specialist eye care to public and private hospitals as a consultant ophthalmologist since 1992. Specialising in refractive cataract surgery, advanced vitreoretinal surgery and medical conditions of the retina, he performs surgical procedures both at Christchurch Eye Surgery and Southern Cross Hospital. For fifteen years, Jim has also practiced as the only tertiary referral vitreoretinal surgeon on the South Island. Now he consults here at Southern Eye Specialists, and utilises specialised vitreoretinal microscopes and other equipment at Christchurch Eye Surgery. Jim’s skills are often applied to his keen interest in cataract surgery, that includes correction of astigmatism as well as the use of multifocal lenses to give the best results in distance and reading vision. Management of macular degeneration and other retinal conditions is another area to which Jim has a major specialist interest. He has considerable experience in the use of intravitreal anti-VEGF injections, including Avastin, Lucentis and Eylea. Jim is a New Zealand Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists, and also a Council Member of RANZCO, and previously the Chair of the New Zealand branch of RANZCO.

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