Dominic Samuel
Tauranga Physio, Tauranga Physiotherapists, Mount Maunganui Physio
New Zealand
Hailing from the UK Dom joined the BIM team in January 2015 after four years working as a Staff physiotherapist in Waikato Hospital. Dom initially completed a Bachelor of Science Degree (with Honours) in Biology with Sport and Exercise Science, going on to coach football in America for 2 years. During his time in America Dom decided he wanted to work as a Physiotherapist and returned to the UK to undertake his training, graduating from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh in 2010 with a Masters of Science Degree in Physiotherapy. Dom and his wife Carol-Anne love the outdoor lifestyle New Zealand has to offer, so much so they have become New Zealand residents - that’s not to say Dom won’t stop keeping tabs on his beloved Liverpool!!
Research Interest