Nancy Weaver
Library Studies
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
New Zealand
I hold two Bachelor of Science degrees, in Mathematics and in Psychology, and a doctorate in Psychology. I have been teaching at the tertiary level since the 1980’s. I’ve been an online/distance educator at the University of Pittsburgh (USA) for 20 years and at the Open Polytechnic since 2005.
Research Interest
I am interested in human cognition, especially knowledge representation and use.
Barnard, E., & Weaver, N.E. (2011). Student use of sources: A collaborative investigation of resource user in tertiary-level psychology assignments. Lower Hutt, New Zealand: The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand.
Weaver, N.E., & Peters, H. (2010). Rate the New Zealand birds: Applying best practice pedagogy to online activities
Weaver, N.E., & Barnard, E. (2011, October). Student use of academic resources in assignments. Paper presented at the National Tertiary Teaching & Learning Conference, Nelson, New Zealand