Natilene Bowker
Library Studies
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
New Zealand
I have worked as a psychology tutor at Massey and Victoria Universities. I have also worked as a learning co-ordinator and senior writing consultant within a university student learning centre.
Research Interest
Cyberpsychology, which looks at how the online environment is influencing people’s interactions, is my primary research area.
Bowker, N. (2008). Participating in the world (wide web): Social connections for people with disabilities. In S. Holland & F. Attwood (Eds.), Remote relationships in a small world (pp. 98-116). New York: Peter Lang.
Bowker, N., & Tuffin, K. (2009). Using the online medium for discursive research about people with disabilities. In N. Fielding (Ed.), Interviewing II (Vol. 1, pp. 255-271). London: Sage.
Bowker, N. (2010). Understanding barriers to online experience for people with physical and sensory disabilities using discursive social psychology. Universal Access in the Information Society, 9, 121-136.