
Biochemistry Experts

Donna Bond

Research Fellow
Department of Biochemistry
University of Otago School of Biomedical Sciences
New Zealand


  Dr. Donna Bond is an Research Fellow in Department of Biochemistry at University of Otago School of Biomedical Sciences, New Zealand. Her research focuses on on plant development, specifically understanding how plants know when to flower. By using molecular genetics and genomics she is working to determine the genes involved in flowering and how they are regulated. In particular, she is interested in how epigenetic mechanisms control expression of genes throughout plant development and in response to environmental cues. She primarily work with Medicago truncatula, the model legume species. She is also developing novel methods for plant transformation, and protocols for genome editing of crop plants. She is the author of several articles published in many reputed journals.

Research Interest

 Dr. Donna Bond's research focuses on on plant development, specifically understanding how plants know when to flower. By using molecular genetics and genomics she is working to determine the genes involved in flowering and how they are regulated. In particular, she is interested in how epigenetic mechanisms control expression of genes throughout plant development and in response to environmental cues. She primarily work with Medicago truncatula, the model legume species. She is also developing novel methods for plant transformation, and protocols for genome editing of crop plants.


  • Bond DM, Albert NW, Lee RH, Gillard GB, Brown CM, Hellens RP, Macknight RC. Infiltration-RNAseq: transcriptome profiling of Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration of transcription factors to discover gene function and expression networks in plants. Plant methods. 2016 Oct 19;12(1):41.

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