
Medical Sciences Experts

Natasha Flack

Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Otago School of Biomedical Sciences
New Zealand


 Dr. Natasha is a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Prof. Helen Nicholson and Dr. Stephanie Woodley. There are two major areas of research that she is currently pursuing. The first is based in the clinical and functional anatomy of the hip and pelvis, and in particular the pubic symphysis and its role in pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy. The ultimate aim of her research is to provide scientific, anatomical evidence for improving clinical treatments, procedures and outcomes. The other focus is in the field of anatomical education, with emphasis on the teaching and learning of anatomy to medical and non-medical students.

Research Interest

 Dr. Natasha research is based on clinical and functional anatomy of the hip and pelvis, and in particular the pubic symphysis and its role in pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy. The ultimate aim of her research is to provide scientific, anatomical evidence for improving clinical treatments, procedures and outcomes. The other focus is in the field of anatomical education, with emphasis on the teaching and learning of anatomy to medical and non-medical students.


  • Flack NA, Nicholson HD, Woodley SJ. A review of the anatomy of the hip abductor muscles, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fascia lata. Clinical anatomy. 2012 Sep 1;25(6):697-708.

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