Bee Bathish
health research
University of Otago
New Zealand
Bee was part of the Christchurch campus’ Summer Studentship programme, working under the supervision of world-renowned free radical researcher Professor Margreet Vissers. She then completed the one-year, laboratory-based Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) course. “It was the best year in my academic career. I got to explore many biomedical research techniques and learn the fundamentals of scientific research. My research project was in cancer epigenetics.” Doing the Summer Studentship, then the Honours course also confirmed her desire to work as a health researcher. Bee is now working as an Assistant Research Fellow and undertaking her PhD. Her PhD project is with the Centre for Free Radical Research. She is investigating indigenous oxidants and protein oxidation in health and diseases
Research Interest
Bee Bathish's PhD project is on the identification of novel peroxidase-catalysed sulfur cross-links in proteins. She is supervised by Professors Christine Winterbourn and Tony Kettle.