Geoffrey Tompkins
Associate Professor
Department of Oral Sciences
University of Otago
New Zealand
As a microbiologist employed in the Faculty of Dentistry, Associate Professor Tompkins' research is focused on dental microbiology. Much of his research involves providing microbiological support in collaborative studies with clinicians undertaking applied research, because most of our postgraduate students are involved in clinical (or translational) research (and do not have the background and training for more fundamental microbiology research). As such, Associate Professor Tompkins' research platform is highly varied, having been involved in dental forensics, endodontic, implant, restorative and proprietary (AgResearch) research. His work on bite mark analysis (forensics) is recognised internationally to the point that he has twice been invited to contribute to what is currently regarded as the definitive publication in the field; the significance of his bite mark research was acknowledged in The Lancet (2006). A more recent publication describing a convenient and rapid method to quantify bacterial survival in dentinal tubules following endodontic treatment promises a significant technical advance in the field.
Research Interest
Dental molecular microbiology.