
Engineering Experts

Hank Wolfe

Associate Professor
 Information Science
University of Otago
New Zealand


Associate Professor Henry B. Wolfe (Hank) has been an active computer professional for more than 50 years and has specialised in computer security. During that period he has earned an international reputation in the field of electronic forensics, encryption, surveillance, privacy and computer virus defences. He has provided advice on security matters to major government bodies within New Zealand and to Australian, Panamanian, Singaporean and U.S. Government organizations; and additionally to New Zealand businesses and the major New Zealand Internet Service Providers. Over the past twenty-five or so years he has conducted and supervised 175 computer security audits of New Zealand businesses and government bodies. Dr Wolfe speaks on security and privacy issues (both technical and policy) regularly at national and international conferences. His primary research interest is the discipline of electronic forensics and surveillance. In addition he has an interest in private communications techniques, which focus on the implementation of various cryptographic algorithms that are currently available and the associated hardware and software necessary to implement such systems. 

Research Interest

Professor Henry's primary research interest is the discipline of electronic forensics and surveillance. In addition he has an interest in private communications techniques, which focus on the implementation of various cryptographic algorithms that are currently available and the associated hardware and software necessary to implement such systems.

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