Jeremiah Deng
Associate Professor
 Information Science
University of Otago
New Zealand
Dr. Deng teaches a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Information Science and Telecommunications (Applied Science). He is currently the Director of the Telecommunications Programme and supports ongoing curriculum development for BAppSc/PGDip/MAppSc qualifications.
Research Interest
Associate Professor Jeremiah Deng is interested in developing intelligent algorithms for pattern recognition, machine learning, and optimization of computer and network systems. His recent work investigates online adaptive learning algorithms for anomaly detection, scene categorization, semantic video analysis, event detection, and performance modeling and optimization of wireless networks. He has authored/co-authored more than 100 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, or as book chapters. Dr. Deng is a member of ACM and IEEE, and serves on the editorial board of Cognitive Computation (Springer). He co-chairs the Machine Learning for Sensory Data Analysis (MLSDA) workshops (in conjunction with PAKDD), and has served on the program committees of a number of international conferences such as IJCAI, PRICAI, ACCV, GlobeCom, ICC and ECE.