Lynn Mcalevey
Senior Lecturer
Accountancy & Finance
University of Otago
New Zealand
Lynn McAlevey joined the Business School in 1985. He has taught in a wide number of papers at undergraduate, postgraduate, MBA and Executive levels. Currently he teaches FINC203 Business Data Analysis and FINC411 Financial Risk Management. He has a wide number of research interests, currently real estate markets and housing bubbles. He has published in finance, mathematics and statistics journals. Publications include best journal paper Pacific Rim Property Research Journal 2008 and highly commended award Journal of European Real Estate Research 2013. He has also been awarded best conference paper at the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference 2008, and Division best paper Academy of Management Meeting 1998. In 2007 jointly awarded a RICS Scholarship for research into house price bubbles.
Research Interest
Financial modelling Risk management Applied statistics Statistics education