ralph Adler
Accountancy & Finance
University of Otago
New Zealand
Professor Ralph Adler is the Director of the Otago Centre for Organisational Performance Measurement and Management (COPMM) and is the Convenor of the Performance Measurement Association of Australasia (PMAA). COPMM is a School of Business strategic initiative and PMAA is a joint partnership between leading performance management scholars at the universities of Otago, Melbourne, and Tasmania. Prof Adler joined the Department in 1991. He has over 25 years of teaching experience, teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Prior to arriving at Otago, he worked in the USA for 10 years as a CPA and then a business consultant before completing his PhD at Albany State (USA). He holds a BA from Colgate University and a MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Prof Adler is a Senior Associate Editor of Accounting Education: an international journal. He also serves on the editorial boards of Australian Accounting Review, Pacific Accounting Review, and Asia Pacific Management Accounting Journal. He is a past holder of the Coopers and Lybrand Peter Barr Fellowship and the American Chamber of Commerce Business Education Fellowship.
Research Interest
His research interests are in performance management, strategic management accounting, organisational effectiveness, and business education. He has authored over 50 academic papers, more than 20 business case studies, and the book Management Accounting: making it world class. His work is internationally recognised and has earned him multiple best paper awards. His h-index is 17 and g-index 41. During the period 1993-2012, Delande et al. (2014) ranks him as the top publisher of accounting education in New Zealand and the fifth most published in the world.