Rex Ahdar
University of Otago
New Zealand
Professor Rex Ahdar has spent his research leave at: Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley (1991); TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland (1991); the Department of Private Law, University of Edinburgh (1998); Sydney University Law School and Emory University Law School (2005), National University of Samoa and Piula Theological College (2011). He has published articles in journals such as: Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Cambridge Law Journal, Modern Law Review, McGill Law Journal, Ratio Juris, Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties, Antitrust Bulletin, Journal of Contract Law, Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Journal of Church and State, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, Journal of Law, Religion and State, Rutgers Journal of Law & Religion, Utilities Law Review.
Research Interest
Competition Law and Policy, Church-State Relations, Religious Freedom, Contract Law, Sports Law.
Ahdar R. The Empty Idea of Equality Meets the Unbearable Fullness of Religion. Journal of Law, Religion and State. 2016 Jun 23;4(2):146-78.
Ahdar RT. The Case Against Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. New Zealand Law Review. 2016 Oct 25;2016(3):459-506.