
Dentistry Experts

Vincent Bennani

Associate Professor
Department of Oral Rehabilitation
University of Otago
New Zealand


 Associate Professor Bennani has two research themes linking his clinical interests and his biomaterials expertise. His research interests are focused on innovative techniques in dentistry, particularly soft tissue management in implantology. Little has been published about the challenges presented by the unique anatomy surrounding implants and how to preserve it during prosthodontics procedures. His research recognises the need for new strategies in prosthodontics procedures. During 2015 and 2016 Associate Professor Vincent Bennani further developed his interdisciplinary research nationally and internationally with the University of Aristotle, University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Tufts University (Boston, USA) and the University of Bordeaux, (France). In 2016, Associate Professor Vincent Bennani joined the international research program Periodontics and Oral Implantology (University of Western Australia) which brings together over 10 international research groups. This research program focuses on biomaterials and regenerative therapies, immunopathology and the treatment of peri-implant infections and clinical procedures in implant dentistry. In 2016 Associate Professor Vincent Bennani co-founded The Biomimetic Research Group within the Clinical and Translational Research program of the SJWRI. "Biomimetic" in dentistry means to copy what is life-like. When restoring teeth, the goal is to return the tooth to its original form and function. This research group investigates the biomaterials and techniques used to achieve that goal.

Research Interest

 Associate Professor Bennani has two research themes linking his clinical interests and his biomaterials expertise. His research interests are focused on innovative techniques in dentistry, particularly soft tissue management in implantology. Little has been published about the challenges presented by the unique anatomy surrounding implants and how to preserve it during prosthodontics procedures. His research recognises the need for new strategies in prosthodontics procedures.

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