Daniel Brown
Associate Dean
Architecture and Design
Victoria University Coastal Ecology Laboratory
New Zealand
Dr. Daniel Brown is currently working as a Associate Dean in the Department of Architecture and Design, Victoria University Coastal Ecology Laboratory , New Zealand. His research interests includes storm and flood proofing urban communities, sustainability and resilience. He /she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Daniel Brown is the member of many international affiliations. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He /she has authored of many research articles/books related to storm and flood proofing urban communities, sustainability and resilience.
Research Interest
Storm and flood proofing urban communities Sustainability and resilience Narrative architecture and cultural practices Architecture of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim
Brown, D K. (2010). Fluviale. World premiere multimedia installation exhibited for a panel presentation of work in the Italy Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale. 21 November, 2010. Italy Pavilion, Venice, Italy.
Brown, D K. (2010). Silent Witnesses: Pathways and Passages. Ink on Paper; nine drawings. La Muse Writers and Artists Retreat exhibition, November, 2010. Labastide Espardairenque, Toulouse, France.
Brown, D K. (2010). Vessels. Multi-media installation commissioned by Wellington Museums Trust for the 2010 New Zealand International Arts Festival. 2010 New Zealand International Arts Festival, Museum of Wellington, Queens Wharf. 23 Feb - 18 April 2010. Duration 8 weeks. Wellington, New Zealand.