
Environmental Sciences Experts

Wayne Linklater

Wildlife Biology & Human Dimensions Ecology
Victoria University Coastal Ecology Laboratory
New Zealand


Dr. Wayne Linklater is an academic because I enjoy the freedom to follow my curiosity- learn, research, write and speak on topics that fascinate me, and critique ideas and practise. Debating and evaluating ideas, conceptually and evidentially, is central to my enjoyment of science teaching and research. Because of this, my research and teaching interests are diverse, trans-disciplinary and topical. Dr. Wayne Linklater like the complexity and nuance of ecology and that it is central to solving some of our greatest challenges, locally and globally.

Research Interest

Large mammal behaviour, ecology, population biology particularly for their conservation and management. Previous work on horses, rhinoceros and elephant in Australasia, Africa and south-east Asia. Human dimensions of wildlife, particularly our relationship with nature, human-wildlife conflict, and wildlife crime. Using games and game theory to investigate strategies for reducing wildlife crime, mitigating human-wildlife conflict Chemical ecology including the development of semiochemicals for wildlife management. Previous work on the development of long-life lures for pest mammals, stress-distress physiology, and olfactory management of behaviour


  • Stringer A, Linklater W. 2015. Density-dependent transmission drives macroparasite abundance across populations of a critically endangered megaherbivore. Oecologia. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-015-3319-1.

  • Plotz R, Grecian J, Kerley G, Linklater W. 2016. Standardising home range studies for improved management of the critically endangered black rhinoceros. PLoS-One 11(3): e0150571.

  • Jackson M, Hartley S, Linklater W. 2016. Better food-based baits and lures for invasive rats Rattus spp. and the brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula: a bioassay on wild, free-ranging animals. Journal of Pest Science 89, 479-488.

  • Linklater W, Law P, Gedir J, du Preez. 2017. Experimental evidence for homeostatic sex allocation after sex-biased reintroductions. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1: DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0088.

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