
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Agwu Ekwe Agwu

University of Nigeria


Agwu Ekwe Agwu, a Professor who teaches in the Department of Agricultural Extension University of Nigeria Nsukka is equally attached to the African Heritage Institute (AfriHeritage) as an Associate Research Fellow. He obtained his professional training at the University of Nigeria Nsukka where he graduated with a Bachelor of Agriculture Degree in Agricultural Extension (with First Class Honors) in 1994; a Master’s degree and Doctorate degree in 1997 and 2000, respectively. He has been involved in teaching and research in agricultural communication, rural development, extension policies and institutional reforms, as well as, agricultural innovation systems, agro technology generation, transfer and use since 1995. Professor Agwu has consulted extensively on issues of information communication technology, natural resources management; rural development, extension reforms, and climate change adaptation and food security (using the innovation system framework). He has published widely in national and international scholarly journals with over ninety (90) publications to his credit.

Research Interest


Global Experts from Nigeria

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